Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A day off

Today is a good day. It was nice out, I relaxed with the cats, enjoyed the great outdoors and some ramen with soup for dinner (a favorite). The van is getting new brakes tomorrow and a front end alignment. I haven't been on much this week as the weather is nice and I want to live life. Things I did do: went and watched Marmaduke, very interesting and funny movie, walked the cats at the park and took a shower.

 I want to try the apple cider vinegar and baking soda hair washing thing as both shampoo and body wash with lavender oil for smell as I used conventional soap yesterday and my skin has that greasy feel. I have been using baby wipes and suave shampoo for body wash (alternatively) and water/conditioner only for hair and its been a good mix of keeping my skin/hair  in good condition. I have been using a 32 qt bucket from wal mart for a tub for washing in and it seems to be working out well. I use about 2 gallons for a full wash up and surprisingly I only require hair washing every 5 days or so.

I ordered the O2 cool fan and soon the fantastic vent thats in the mail. I talked to the RV place and they can install it so thats good. I decided after all to go with a bed frame. Its going to be long wise behind the drivers side with a middle hinge that allows the plywood on top to open up from either end. It will also be two separate "tables" so that they will fit together for a bed or come out for when I need it too. The kitchen is currently in a bin and I am going to build a small counter with a sink and water pump/water source. I am also going to put hanging shoe organizers on both side hooks and the backs of the seats.

I am planning on visiting canada in the near future as well so I decided the bed on the floor and the bins look a bit unorganized. A 2 table bed frame without the bedding and the kitchen with a cover like in RVs might sit a bit better.


  1. It will be fun to see how all the construction comes out! I enjoy seeing how creative people can be :)

    You know, the apple cider vinegar is good stuff! I have used it for sore fingers when playing guitar. It works pretty well for it!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  2. I might try it for the cello when doing intense pizzicato. Great idea -:) It should be interesting to see how the construction comes out -:) One of the photos in the vandweller group with the pedestal style was the motivation behind the design of the bed frame.
