Monday, March 14, 2011

I am on the hunt for milk crates for my bed project and all turns have led me to more money than a hinged box bed would cost, I also found out I don't need the bed made quite yet.
I got rid of my pile of donations, trash and unused furniture yesterday, did my laundry and began thinking on more stuff to go. So I will continue to be off work tomorrow to get things squared away even more and organized. Then I can get the interior of the van professionally cleaned and lay the rug down. I found out my laundry baskets and totes fit nicely in the back. I am considering putting a plywood across the back to create shelves for the baskets and totes so I don't have to move one to get to another. The bed fits perfectly from wheel well to behind the drivers seat. I was thinking the toilet can go under the bed or in the rear and the water near the slider. The bed thing is really grating my nerves as I get it planned out and it gets more complex. I am also worried of sudden stops with a bed platform unless I tied it down and thats why the milk crates were perfect. They are easy to secure to the seat bases.
I also decided all the seats need to go and the front passenger seat with my giant dash could be a portable desk. Its to hard to get in the back behind the seats and I have fold up chairs in the van already.

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