Saturday, March 12, 2011

What a day... I can see the ground again, the nice green mud Lol... However, its a sign that spring is working its way out. I would rather sooner than later. I enjoyed the white winter season but driving in it is a pain. I would rather the 6 months to prep and I have getting other stuff squared away, but at 3 weeks left, its not much time. But alas, I may work more and simply van dwell for a few weeks after to work out the kinks because I have connections here I don't have elsewhere. I will have to make those connections soon enough. I want to start out on the right foot to give this full timing thing a fair shake. I must say I admit how livable my last van was. But I have condensed many things, invested in technology to keep me amused and use less power and the many overnight trips to see how things work. there should be less clutter and more efficiency as I can't function with the hunt and peck. I did that for so many yrs and that's why I downsized.

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